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PF-10 This flask is considered by collectors as one of the most beautiful ever made due to it’s stunning Basket Weave and Acanthus Leaf design. This flask was manufactured by James Dixon and sons of Sheffield, England and is so marked. Dixon was one of the premier flask makers of the 1800’s. This flask has a nicely toned patina and not a single dent, bump or bruise. It is museum quality! While it is fully functional with a graduated spout for differing loads, the spring is just a bit weak. at 10 by 4 1/2 inches it is a large flask. This flask is listed in the “Bible” of Powder Flasks “The Powder Flask Book by Ray Rilng” on page 298 as #427. A showpiece for any powder flask collection or to display with your percussion rifle or shotgun. $175.00

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MR-17 Screw puller to extract bullets from the .58 or .69 rifled musket
when the powder got wet. Your choice each one is $40.00

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MR-16 .58 Worm cleaner and bullet extractor for .58 rifled musket.
Your choice #1 is $45.00 #’s 2,3,4 are $35.00

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MR-15 .69 caliber worm cleaner and extractor for the .69 rifled musket.
Your choice 1,2,3 are $45.00 4, 5 are $35.00

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MR-22 Enfield Sight. This is a tough piece to find when you need it for that Enfield restoration project. This is a very nice one and the cool thing is it is marked with an assembly number that looks like 9232. I have had a few of these and have never noticed a number etched on one. The bottom of the sight also has traces of the original solder. Very hard to find piece. $125.00

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MR-21 Enfield Trigger Guard. If you are restoring an Enfield rifle this is a part you will probably need. This is a non-dug but well aged piece and the brass has that nice dark mustard color and the sling loop is attached and moves freely. What’s cool about this piece are the four assembly marks on the trigger guard right above the sling loop. This is how they marked parts of rifles being assembled in gun works all over England to keep them from getting mixed up. $75.00

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MR-25 This is a tough piece to find when you are restoring that Springfield rifle, a PERFECT butt plate with matching, original screws and a U S you can see from across the room. $85.00

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TEXF 16 1863 Massachusetts Rifle Sideplate
The Model 1863 Massachusetts Rifle was a 58 caliber, cap and ball rifle, Barrel length 40 inches, total length 56 inches Manufactured by Samuel Norris & W. T. Clement in 1863 and 1864, under contract from Springfield Armory but were produced exclusively for the Massachusetts militia. The side plate from this Massachusetts rifle is dated 1864 behind the hammer, Eagle/US, S.N & W.T.C./FOR MASSACHUSETTS, forward of the hammer.
This is the first S.N & W.T.C./FOR MASSACHUSETTS sideplate that I have ever seen and was not aware of a Massachusetts Rifle until I saw this S.N. & W.T.C./FOR MASSACHUSETTS plate. I spoke with a seasoned Civil War artifact and weapon collector and was told “never heard of one”.
I believe that this sideplate will make a nice addition to your Civil War relic collection and an item that not everyone has.