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Miscellaneous Relics

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MR 116 Billy dug this nice acorn tipped brass finial from a bed post on the Port Hudson Battlefield at Slaughter Plantation, which opened up on Slaughter Field where advancing Union troops were shot to pieces by Confederate Artillery using deadly canister rounds.
Slaughter Field was aptly named for the carnage that took place there.
Price: $45.00

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MS 117 This is a neat piece, it appears to be a fishing weight made by a soldier at
Port Hudson, LA. Billy dug a lot of similar pieces, some made of bullets, some from sabots
and some from lead canister. Bullet used to display it not included.
Cool relic of a soldier’s handy work. $20.00
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MR 2 Mess Gear dug in a C.S. Rifle pit near Foster Creek in
the early
1970s. The large cup had the initials T.H. crudely scratched
on the side at
one time but I cant see them. This Mess Gear is pictured
in Billy Spedales
book, Historic Treasures of the American Civil War
on page 151. The
book is for sale on this site.

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MR 11 Heart shaped Martingale dug in a union camp near Jackson,
Louisiana in the early 1970s. It is featured in Billy Spedales
book Historic
Treasures of the American Civil War on page 26.

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MR 12 This is really interesting! Some bored yankee or confederate
soldier making bullets poured lead down a crawfish hole and this
was the
result. Billy Spedale found it 115 years later in 1978. It is
featured in his
book Where Bugles called and Rifles Gleamed on page

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MR 60 .54 Austrian Lorenz bayonet that was nickel plated a long
ago. Probably a G.A.R. Lodge piece. This has the unique leather
wooden scabbard which is hard to find.
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MR 65 Musket Escutcheon that held lock in place. Dug at Port Hudson,
La. and shown in Billy Spedales book Historic Treasures
of the Civil War
on page 188. Excellent piece that could be used in a restoration.
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MR 66 Musket Escutcheon that held lock in place. Dug at Port Hudson,
La. companion piece to the one shown in Billy Spedales book
Treasures of the Civil War on page 188. Excellent piece
that could be used in a restoration.