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ART-3 Here is a very nice collection of artillery fragments dug on the Brandy Station, Virginia Battlefield area near Culpepper, Va by John Hitt. The group includes a very nice base and nose section with clear threads from a 3.7 Hotchkiss Shell, 2 pieces of a Schenkel shell, two pieces from a Parrott and a small piece from a 12 Pd Borman. This neat display would clearly illustrate the amount of fragmented iron flying around a Civil War battlefield and the horrific damage it could inflict. All 7 pieces for the price of the Hotchkiss frag alone! $195.00

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ART-6 Deadly Rain! Part of a Hotchkiss Sabot that is 3 inches long and 1 3/4 wide from Brandy Station. The sabots grabbed the rifling in the rifled guns and gave the shells spin for accuracy, when they exploded iron and lead rained down on troops with amazing force causing some horrific injuries. John Hitt dug this with a lot of other artillery fragments. A fine relic to understand the carnage of the Civil War. Ex John Hitt Collection $25.00

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ART-7 I have never seen this before but, maybe I have led a sheltered life! Two pieces of large grape shot busted in half by impact on something. Both pieces measure 2.81 inches but are from two different pieces of Grape. These were dug in the historic area of Brandy Station, Virginia by long time Relic Hunter, John Hitt. We are offering both pieces thinking they would make an excellent display together Ex John Hitt Collection. $125.00