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Have You Lost valuables, jewelry, keys, a wedding ring?
Another ring finding success! J.C. called me Wednesday, distraught over losing his wife’s engagement ring and wedding band set. He picked them up off the kitchen counter with a costume jewelry ring and put them in his shirt pocket not realizing there was a hole in the pocket. Then we walked across the yard and rode his bike around the corner to give the rings to his wife at her parents house where they were staying for a few days. Upon arriving and reaching into his pocket he found no rings but did find a hole in the corner of the pocket. OPPS! Back at the house, he found the costume jewelry ring right by the kitchen door but not the diamond wedding set. Frantic over losing a very expensive set, they searched and searched the yard along the path to the left of a tree stump where HE THOUGHT he walked to his bike (more about that later) but no rings. Then they searched the street, then they bought a WalMart detector but still could not find the rings. No surprise there, since one ring was platinum and other white gold well beyond the capability of an inexpensive detector. Then they searched at night with a flashlight theorizing the stones would reflect off the light but, so much for that theory. His wife then went on the internet, found my company and called. Friday morning I met J.C. and got the whole story. So to work I went, using my XP Deus set on the GM Power program, frequency at 74 khz ( great for white gold and platinum) and audio set on pitch to give a loud alert, I searched everywhere J.C. said he walked. I even searched the street and the servitudes along the street, no diamond rings, only a old gold plated brooch and a few bits of trash. So, I then employed my “lost ring maxim : These rings are lost because you truly have no clue where you actually lost them” and began searching where I thought they probably were, on the opposite side of the tree stump J.C. said he did not go past. On the third sweep, the pitch setting screamed out and looking down there was the wedding band, diamonds facing up, and the large engagement ring diamonds down. What a great feeling to recover something like this for a very worried couple The folks who lost that beautiful diamond and ruby bracelet called today. The husband had lost his wedding band while riding in a golf cart picking up branches from a recent storm. Fortunately, he knew the general area where it flew off his finger but look as he may he could not find it. So, I got a call to come and find it with my trusty Deus. They showed me the area and after listening carefully to his story, I was convinced it had flown into the grass near the “bracelet eating pond”. So I began the quest and sure enough 20 minutes later the Deus rang out. There was the ring in the deep grass tucked right behind a fire ant nest. Ring and owner are now reunited and another success story added to the growing list. Here I am literally up to my chin in five feet of stinky pond water but it was worth it! It took 2 1/2 hours of searching in the muck and pond grass but I was able to recover this very expensive Diamond, Ruby and Platinum bracelet while chin deep in pond water. The lady who lost it was casting for fish when her bracelet flew off and landed in the water. She was really upset! Fortunately her land manager remembered he had called me to find her engagement ring after she lost it in the deep St. Augustine at her wedding reception. So, that’s two for two for a very satisfied client.
Forrest was so upset, he had just lost his beautiful hammered, rose gold wedding band in the back yard. It flew off his finger while he was playing with his children. He looked and looked but no success so he called Cayenne Metal Detectors for help. After arriving at his home and doing my usual in depth interview, I had some idea where it night have gone and in fifteen minutes the XP Deus nailed it! Sure enough, it had flown backwards over his head, not forward, when he tossed his child in the air. Forrest was all smiles and amazed the Deus had found his treasured wedding band so quickly. Chalk up another Cayenne ring finding success!
Well, on Thursday, January 25, 2018 it was DeJa’ Vu all over again for me and Richard Sacher, the owner of American Aquatic Gardens. Last year on January 25th he e-mailed for help, he had lost his Cartier wedding ring somewhere in a pile of rocks and dirt while building a new pond. It took me about 10 minutes to find it with the remarkable XP Deus detector. Amazingly, this year on January 24th he called me to say he had had lost his ring again while working in the nasty muck and gradu of a lilly pad pond. I told him I could come the next day and if he actually lost it there, I was confident I could find it. At that point neither of us realized the significance of the date. So, on the afternoon of Thursday January 25th I headed to American Aquatic Gardens and after a brief interview with Richard about where in the lilly pad pond he thought he lost his wedding ring I stepped into the muck. Now, if you have never hunted in a lilly pad pond filled with dead vegetation, fish and and long strings of roots and dead plant material, you are in for a real treat: it pulls at your boots, it stinks and trying to use a hand scoop is near impossible. Having said that, the XP Deus sniffed it out in 15 minutes, it was under the muck at the very bottom of the pond resting on the liner. It rang out a nice rock sold repeatable “84” using the Deus Fast program in 17 khz with only two tones and the hand scoop swept it up in one quick motion. When I walked into Richard’s office with the wedding band he broke into a big smile and exclaimed, “ You will never believe this but it was last year on this very day you found this ring in the other pond.” At that point I conferred “Frequent Flyer Status” on Richard and he named me “Lord of the Rings” ! It was a lovely wedding reception on the family lawn except, the bride lost her diamond and platinum wedding ring in the grass while untangling her hair from her engagement ring. After a couple of days of fruitless searching they called Cayenne Metal Detectors for help. Within 40 minutes the ring was located and that big smile was back on the lovely bride’s face.
The owner of American Aquatic Gardens, Richard Sacher, was really upset when he e-mailed for help. He lost his brand new Cartier wedding band while working on a few ponds and a waterfall mound at his business. He drained the ponds, raked out the muck but alas no ring. He searched around the waterfall mound but again, no luck. So, he e-mailed for help. After a brief tour of suspected “ring eating areas”, the XP DEUS and I went to work and within about 10 minutes, the Deus sounded off a nice high number over a rock at the waterfall mound. Moving the rock, there was a nice flash of gold snuggled in a crevasse of leaves and wood chips, the lost ring! Richard was sitting at his desk when I walked back to his office. He looked up curiously and I held up the ring. The look on his face was priceless, happy, relieved and stunned I had found it so quickly and so was I!
"Mark thought his wedding band was lost forever in the mud but the Deus nailed it 5 inches down!"
"Ana called me this morning to help her distraught Mom. She had lost her ring while gardening and look though she may, neither Ana nor her Mom could find it. After talking with Ana's Mom, I selected an area to search and "Bingo" hit it on the first swing! First time that has happened. Ana and Mom are happy and Cayenne chalks up another success! "
I lost my heirloom diamond wedding band somewhere on the 1 ¾ mile walking trail in City Park. I called Mr. Angelico the day after I lost it and met him at City Park. I retraced my steps on the trail with him, and he found the ring within half an hour!! A lady called today very upset, asking for help. She had lost a family treasure, her Grandmother's gold and diamond ring while walking the big jogging path at City Park. She asked if I could find it with a metal detector? Sure, I said, if it's still there and someone hasn't found it already and sold it for scrap. So at 5:30 p.m. I met her at the Museum of Art. She told me she was wearing the ring on a gold chain around her neck and at some point the chain must have broke and the ring tumbled away. I told her, " Before I get my detector out, let's walk the route you took first. I want you to tell me everything you did and when and where you first noticed it was gone?" She said OK and away we went. As she talked and we walked along I kept looking at the ground and the grass along the side of the path. She asked, " What are you looking for, we searched all of this all day long yesterday?" I said I was looking for anomalies, things out of the ordinary, different shapes that jump out at you as not belonging there and pointed out a few scraps of tin foil in the grass she didn't notice. Then, about 20 minutes into our walk , the biggest anomaly of all popped out, it was right there in a patch of mulch and clover about a foot off the concrete path: A nice gold circle studded with diamonds!! I bent down and picked up her Grandmother's ring and handed it to her. The poor lady almost passed out!! She could not believe I had found her ring without getting my detector out and I got a great big hug. In fact, two hugs! The best part is, she was certain she had lost it in the grass near the entrance to the park some distance away. That's when she first noticed it was gone. But, as simple as it sounds, that's why things are lost because really, we have no idea where they are. I was glad she called and very glad I could help but drat!! I didn't even get to use the new gold program on my Deus detector :) Rich
John searched for hours and couldn't find his lost keys so he called us. We found them in 10 minutes.
Happy Airman gets back his wife's lost engagement ring she lost while celebrating 4th of July in Jordan River. I recently found this quite
expensive engagement ring for a young lady
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